Ordersnapp Kiosk POS system

OrderSnapp features a Kiosk which allows you to serve more customers with less staff The Kiosk POS terminals is just one of the many profit making features OrderSnapp offers you. OrderSnapp gives you Counter Service POS, Self Serve Kiosk POS and a mobile ordering application all in one system.

Kiosk POS from OrderSnapp

With OrderSnapp self-order kiosks you will process more orders while enhancing your customer experience. OrderSnapp gives your customers multiple methods to place an order with your restaurant and the Kiosk is one of those high tech choices. Your customers will appreciate the fact that you are delivering technology that enhances their lives while they enjoy eating at your establishment. OrderSnapp has you covered regardless of how your customer prefers to order.

The adoption of Kiosk ordering stations is happening very quickly in the large chain restaurants but now you can take advantage of this technology in your business too. What OrderSnapp offers that sets us apart is the ability to offer many different methods for your customer to order all in one POS system. Yes that is right, OrderSnapp features traditional POS terminals on the counter, Kiosk in the dining room, online ordering and a custom mobile application. We have your covered when it comes to leveraging technology and enhancing the customer experience.

Using Self Serve Kiosk stations does not have to mean you don't have a server inteact with your customer too. With OrderSnapp you configure the system to meet the needs of your restaurant. Maybe you want to place a couple self ordering Kiosk on the counter where employees could also engage and help the customer if needed. Maybe you install an iPad on each table and have customers order directly from their own table. The choices are many but most importantly the choices are yours.

OrderSnapp POS is very scalable to suit your growthAfter you deploy Kiosk in your restaurant we think you will find a rapid increase of customers choosing the Kiosk to order for many different reasons. Some restaurants noticed customers enjoy the speed and accuracy of a well designed kiosk. Many found customers placed their order in 60 seconds or less and even faster on repeat visits.

Increase your sales using a Kiosk in several different ways. If you have traditional counter POS terminals as well as self ordering Kiosk you will distribute customers to different stations for ordering. Multiple ordering points moves customers through faster without sacrificing service. Many notice that Kiosk users don't feel rushed, they can give more thought to their order and perhaps even order more that they would with a cashier.

We invite you to contact us and explore how OrderSnapp can give your customers so many different ways to do business with you. In this age of convienance and speed OrderSnapp keeps you connected to your customers. If they are about to leave the office and want to pick up dinner from your place on the way home, they can order online. Maybe they are out and about shopping and want to pick up dinner from your restuarant on the way home they can use your mobile App on their phone. being accessible and convienant is going to keep your sales growing. You will have more repeat customers and more word of mouth referrals. Call us at 800-863-2274 and schedule a demonstration. click here for more information on OrderSnapp POS