SAM4s SPS-500 series manuals keyboard templates and software


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Product Description

This disc includes the manuals, keyboard templates and free utility software for the following SAM4s cash registers:

  • SAM4s SPS-520F
  • SAM4s SPS-520R
  • SAM4s SPS-530F
  • SAM4s SPS-530R

We include on each disc templates for both R versions and F versions of the 500 series as well as all the manuals. Also included is the software utility for the all four of the SPS-500 series models. All you need to communicate to your register will be the correct cables. The software allows programming and saving data only, reports are not available with this free software.

If you bought your cash register from us we will be happy to provide this information at no cost. If you did not buy your register from us but have become a customer we may be able to send you the information for free.

Please keep in mind that the SAM4s SPS-500 series never included a printed manual and has always been supplied by CD. This is not the factory CD and we have added other features such as the templates and software that were never on the original factory CD. The cost of this disc does not include support or instructions. All sales are final and no refunds are allowed.

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